Friday, February 28, 2014

Another Meltdown

Have I mentioned that I have random meltdowns? I have a hormone patch on my hip. Example: Sunday, mom cooked roast, potatoes and carrots. Delish!!! I smelled it all morning and I was in heaven  when she brought me a plate. Remind you...until this past Monday, I had to eat laying down. Needless to say, I spilled gravy juice all over me and the yummy, clean sheets that had just been washed. So, I cried. And yelled. And refused to eat my food. 

I asked James to just take my plate away because I was sooooo not hungry anymore. He asked, 'Are you gonna want this food when you're fit is over?' (Paraphrased) Well just so you his comment made me even more mad. Looking back I know it only ticked me off because he was right!! And after about 10 minutes, I finished my plate...and had seconds!!!

Well today I had a minor meltdown. But this time I had a right! Right? I uploaded all the pictures from my iPhone to my laptop. I organized them all nice and neat in an 'Irelyn McKenna' folder. I've even uploaded and printed them at Walgreen's. But today when I tried to upload them, they're not in my nice and neat folder!! What the hey?! And when I tried to upload them from my iCloud and they're locked and I can't do anything with them. End of rant.

Just sucks that my baby's first 3 weeks are locked in a magic Apple vault. FOREVER!!! 


  1. I enjoy reading your blog! It makes me happy and kind of sad that I never did one with Brayleigh! Please don't stop posting to your blog! :)

  2. Thank you, I feel so good about myself right now. LOL.
