Friday, February 21, 2014

This one is for you, my best girl :)

Welcome to the world, my sweet Irelyn McKenna. You were born February 3, 2014 at 6:21pm by c-section. You weighed a whopping 7 pounds and 3 ounces and were 20 1/4 inches long. I had to have a c-section because you and I just couldn't get on the same page when it came to delivering. I had no contractions...EVER. No dilating or thinning. And we found out after delivery that you were sitting comfortably - ALL ABOVE MY BELLY BUTTON. You were content being tucked away, safe and sound from this crazy world. The first thing I heard about you from the doc was, "Oh what a pretty face. And a head full of hair." It was black and doc was right. There was a ton of thick, gorgeous, black hair. I immediately seen Gracyn in you. 

Since we've been 'home,' I've been on bed rest and it breaks my heart not to be able to tend to you like I should. I had some complications from surgery and it's taking me a little longer to heal. (Don't worry. You're worth every single bit of it.)

I have never loved another person the way that I love you (besides your daddy). And since you've come along I have a new love for him. Speaking of your daddy, he such an awesome daddy. He loves you so very much. He's the one doing most of the feeding, changing poopy diapers, know, all the typical newborn stuff. He sings to you. He plays the guitar for you. He reads you stories. And he even tells you stories from the bible. You are one very blessed little girl. You look a lot like your daddy too! You have his lips! You're a messy eater like him. You're a night owl like him. I couldn't imagine you having a better dad than the one God gave you.

That pretty much sums up your first few weeks in this world. You sleep, eat, poo and grunt and groan nonstop. I love you, my sweetest blessing.

Now, my journey through motherhood.


  1. I love this :) and that angel is GORGEOUS!

  2. Enjoy this incredible journey God has put you on, for all too soon the cuddles will turn into bumps and bruises. You will look like a wild woman trying to protect and keep her from harm. You will want to walk her steps for her, keeping a constant watch over her. Your journey will be tough at times, but by the Grace of God you all will make it through. I love that she has a Godly Mother and Father who will never fail to keep her covered in prayer. Welcome to this family Irelyn, you are loved.
