Thursday, April 3, 2014

Nobody told me about this part...

I. Am. So. Tired. All the time!! And I can't seem to get caught up on anything. And it's not like I don't get any sleep. She sleeps pretty good. My house looks like a tornado blew through here. My best friend asks me every day if I bathed Irelyn. Ha. She's lucky to get fed & changed on time. Will I ever catch back up on my energy or will I just get used to functioning like this?!

In other news, the perfect one is still perfect. She's 2 months old now & weighs a whopping 12.1 pounds and is 24 inches long. She eats anywhere from 5-8 oz every 2-3 hours. Probably why her cheeks hang down to her shoulders. But we gotta start her somewhere, just incase she wants to play in the WNBA. I mean, skinny, fragile girls aren't basketball champs!!!

Enough about her (for now). I know I'm not the only one juggling kids, a husband, a house and a job. So I wanted to share a new (AND SUPER EASY) recipe.

3 ingredients: chicken strips, butter and ranch seasoning. Here ya go.

Thaw chicken. Heat butter in a pan. Roll each strip in ranch seasoning - I mean cake it on there - and then cook it. It's so very delicious and it takes no time. It has saved me in a pinch a few times since the perfect one arrived. Give it a try. If you like it (and like the idea of me posting easy recipes), let me know!! I love to cook and have a lot of simple solutions for all you busy women!!

Until next time...

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