Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Feeling inspired...

When I feel inspired, I better jump on that train while it's at the station. Once it leaves, I never think of it again.

So, last night, as my insomnia kicked in, I decided to check out some meal ideas on Pinterest. I hadn't been on in a few months and holy mother of Elsa!!! Have the meals always been so enticing??? 

I love to cook. It's probably one of my favorite things to do. I also love to grocery shop. I know, I know. I'm insane. So take these two things, combine it with Pinterest & my new blog...BAM!!! Inspiration!

Here it is. During the month of June I'd like to try several different recipes a week, document the whole she-bang and write a blog about it. I'll give tips, how to's, try it or don't try it, pictures, shortcuts, etc. I will be incorporating the freezer meal fad with my meats to see if it's worth the time you save vs. quality and taste of the meat. And, for all you penny pinchers, I will try my best to do cheap-ish meals. I will be scouring Walmart for the best prices I can find. :)

Exciting right?! You better believe it!!

Warning: I do not cook very healthy. I do not use organic, gluten-free, low fat or any other healthy ingredients. I do, however, use fresh and frozen vegetables. That should win me some points, right?

Until we meet again...

1 comment:

  1. I support this 100%!!! Yay, what a fun adventure this will be for us all!
