Did I mentioned I had plans with the sisters-in-law to go garage sale'ing at 6am?!? Also, did I mention that we were all taking our sweet, little angel babies?! I mean the weather has been beautiful all week. Sunny and 75!! So, this is how I dressed my perfect one...
You know, just a little cardigan because it might be cool that early in the morning! (This outfit has spaghetti straps!) WE FROZE OUR BOTTOMS OFF!!! The babies were bundled from head to toe like we were slap-dab in the middle of winter.
No worries though. We were back home by 3pm. Ha! In your face, you other garage salers!! We totz outdid you!!
Why do I always feel the need to be a one-upper? I hurt no one but myself. I WAS SO VERY TIRED. And I didn't even get any good buys at the sale. Lesson learned. I napped for about an hour before my life as a mother & wife was to start again.
And then we got invited to go eat with some family. So, of course, we said yes! And again, didn't get in bed to well after midnight.
And what do ya know? 6am rolled right back around just like it did the morning before. This time I had to get up and make myself all beautified! We have practice at church at 8am. I went to practice with no makeup bc I ran out of time. Seriously?! 2 hours wasn't enough time? Please tell me that time management gets easier!!
So after church we had a little get together with the church staff and didn't get home til around 3. By 5 I was passed smooth out. Woke up at 8pm and stayed up until last night (Monday) til 9:30.
Again (hopefully) you're asking, "Why?!"
Well, when I woke up Sunday night, the rest of my family was asleep. So I'm thinking it's a perfect time to get some much needed house work done. And I did. And it was fabulous. Around 4:30 I decide to go to bed. But when I went in there, James was awake and we decided to work on some videos for our worship team. Layed back down around 6:30 and at 7, the perfect one woke up to eat. Only she wasn't just hungry. I have no clue what was wrong but she cried, ate and slept off and on til 10:30. I couldn't do anything to calm her. I gave her some Gripe Water. Nothing. So I give her some Tylenol. And I found out very quickly that she inherited her gag reflex from me!!! She puked ev.er.y.where. And lots of it. I bathed & dressed her and decided this time I'd put her medicine in this little medicine bottle thing. It's like the tiniest bottle ever. Well, about half way through, she pukes some more. I clean her up again and she fell asleep and was perfect once more. I have no clue what was wrong with my sweet girl.
James got home last night and was sick as a dog. Are you serious? I was so looking forward to him coming home and taking over baby duty so I could GO TO SLEEP!!! So I put him on the couch with a trash can and a bottle of water. And at 9:30 I fed the little girl and we went to sleep. Woke up at 11:30 to eat again (she also inherited her appetite from me). And, listen up...WE SLEPT UNTIL 8:30 THIS MORNING. She ate another bottle and we all went back to sleep until 11:30.
Here's the most amazing part. I was crying and I prayed and asked God to please let her go to sleep. I didn't realize she was hungry bc she had just eaten. So after about 15 minutes of her crying - and me arguing with God that I wasn't going to pick her up - I picked her up and fed her. And He answered my simple little prayer. We all got some much needed rest and it's all because God cares enough about his babies that even when we cry and throw a fit in the middle of the night, He gives us what we want (and need)!!!
My family is perfect for me and we are so blessed. I don't deserve this life but God gives us grace even when we don't deserve it.
Now here's a simply and oh-so-yummy recipe for you faithful followers!!
We'll call it...
Fried tators & sausage
You'll need:
1 medium onion (big chunks)
3-4 medium potatoes (cut like French fries)
Package of beef link sausage (chopped in bite sized pieces)
*Richard's is the very best!!
I took one boneless chicken breast and chopped it up and seasoned it with salt, garlic powder and onion powder. Cooked it in a little veggie oil. When the chicken was almost done, I threw in the sausage and cooked it another 5 minutes or so.
Take it out and drain the oil from it. Don't pour the grease out of pan. Scoop out the meat and put in strainer.
Salt & pepper the potatoes and onions. Pour them in the pan you did the meat. Cover and let them cook for about 15 minutes and add your chicken and sausage. Cover and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. And voilá!! (Feeds 3-4 adults)
Roasted cabbage
Oh my goodness. This was heavenly. I took a head of cabbage and sliced it and brushed it with oil, salt & pepper. Roasted in the oven at 400 for about 20 mins. It was initially supposed to be just a side dish but it was so good mixed up in the fried tators & sausage!!!!
Enjoy!! And let me hear some feedback if you decide to cook this! It's a husband favorite!!